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Exercices sur les pronoms personnels en anglais
Résumé de cours Exercices et corrigés
Cours en ligne d’Anglais Cours en ligne du Toeic
Exercices et corrigés sur les pronoms personnels en anglais
Exercice 1. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le pronom personnel sujet approprié.
- Adrian is home. ……………………………. returned an hour ago.
- The park is crowded right now. ……………………………. is a popular one.
- My opinion is that this is the right choice. ……………………………. think this solution is the best.
- Do our partners know about the delays? ……………………………. need to be informed as soon as possible.
- Your conduct is inappropriate. ……………………………. will be asked to leave if you do not calm down.
Exercice 2. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le pronom personnel complément approprié.
- I encouraged ……………………………. (Sandra) to be more self-confident.
- What exactly do you expect from ……………………………. (my friends and I)?
- I cannot believe ……………………………. (this news).
- We should listen to ……………………………. (our advisors).
- What is the real reason why the police arrested ……………………………. (my brother)?
Exercice 3. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le pronom personnel réfléchi approprié.
- Look at ……………………………. (your own person) in the mirror and try to change!
- They carried all the luggage ……………………………. (without help).
- Mary introduced ……………………………. (gave her name) to his girlfriend’s parents.
- By law, I should not be forced to testify against ……………………………. (my own person).
- His humanity ……………………………. (even) became questioned by his accusers.
C’est gagner en fluidité et avoir des bases solides
Exercice 4. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant les bons pronoms personnels (mélangés) en fonction des suggestions entre parenthèses.
- Do not trust ……………………………. (the salesman). I think ……………………………. (the salesman and his colleagues) are trying to cheat us.
- Do ……………………………. (our group) need to pay for our expenses ……………………………. (without any help) or will ……………………………. (the company) cover them?
- I am impressed by ……………………………. (these performers). ……………………………. (John) in particular seemed to have a great time watching ……………………………. (the show).
- What do you want from ……………………………. (our group)? There is nothing more to know about ……………………………. (the incident).
- How am ……………………………. (my person) supposed to do ……………………………. (this task)? ……………………………. (the technician) explained ……………………………. (the steps) too quickly.
- I have to clean the mess that ……………………………. (the wild animal) created and tell ……………………………. (the owners of the home) to close ……………………………. (their window) next time.
- To be honest, I think ……………………………. (the female athlete) cannot win ……………………………. (the competition) because of ……………………………. (the other competitors).
- ……………………………. (to be relaxed) is impossible if ……………………………. (the children) keep crying.
- Personally, ……………………………. (my person) prefer to spend time by ……………………………. (alone).
- What exactly does ……………………………. (this program) do and why do ……………………………. (you and I) need to learn by ……………………………. (alone)?
Correction de l’exercice 1.
- Adrian is home. He returned an hour ago.
- The park is crowded right now. It is a popular one.
- My opinion is that this is the right choice. I think this solution is the best.
- Do our partners know about the delays? They need to be informed as soon as possible.
- Your conduct is inappropriate. You will be asked to leave if you do not calm down.
Correction de l’exercice 2.
- I encouraged her (Sandra) to be more self-confident.
- What exactly do you expect from us (my friends and I)?
- I cannot believe it (this news).
- We should listen to them (our advisors).
- What is the real reason why the police arrested him (my brother)?
Correction de l’exercice 3.
- Look at yourself (your own person) in the mirror!
- They carried all the luggage themselves (without help).
- Mary introduced herself (gave her name) to her boyfriend’s parents.
- By law, I should not be forced to testify against myself (my own person).
- His humanity itself (even) became questioned by his accusers.
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Correction de l’exercice 4.
- Do not trust him (the salesman). I think they (the salesman and his colleagues) are trying to cheat us.
- Do we (our group) need to pay for our expenses ourselves (without any help) or will it (the company) cover them?
- I am impressed by them (these performers). He (John) in particular seemed to have a great time watching it (the show).
- What do you want from us (our group)? There is nothing more to know about it (the incident).
- How am I (my person) supposed to do it (this task)? She (the female technician) explained them (the steps) too quickly.
- I have to clean the mess that it (the wild animal) created and tell them (the owners of the home) to close it (their window) next time.
- To be honest, I think she (the female athlete) cannot win it (the competition) because of them (the other competitors).
- It (to be relaxed) is impossible if they (the children) keep crying.
- Personally, I (my person) prefer to spend time by myself (alone).
- What exactly does it (this program) do and why do we (you and I) need to learn by ourselves (alone)?
Afin de réussir vos devoirs surveillés ou encore vous préparer au Toeic, continuez à vous exercer à l’aide d’un prof d’anglais sur les chapitres d’anglais suivants :
- Pronoms relatifs en anglais : exercices corrigés
- Quiz de révision des pronoms possessifs en anglais
- Test gratuit sur les pronoms réfléchis en anglais
- Entrainement sur le fonctionnement des auxiliaires en anglais
- QCM pour savoir lequel choisir entre Each et every
- Cours gratuit en ligne sur les pronoms relatifs en anglais
- Apprendre à ditinguer les pronoms possessifs en anglais